Stages of colorectal cancer is divided into four phases only. Each phase is different from cancer survival. The early stages of colorectal cancer in phase 0 º at this stage. Malignant cancer cells in the lining or the lining of the rectum and held in polyp polypectomy was done to eliminate cancer cells so as not to move in later phases not.
The polyp stage of the cancer, which, if the cancer has developed, and a tumor that extends to the wall of the colon or rectum occur. At that time the treatment would be desirable to remove the part of the colon that are infected with malignant cells. The five - the rate of cancer survival in this phase is 95% chance of recovery.
The Phase 2 Colorectal cancer occurs when the tumor has spread and affects the tissues surrounding the colon. Surgical resection is the patient, to treat them in their difficulties. Survival in this phase is very unfortunate, statistics, only 60 percent chance of recovery.
Colon cancer stage 3, where the malignant cells have spread outside the colon tissue and lymph nodes are infected and the entire colon. The treatments administered to patients in this phase are aggressively against the spread of malignant cells. In combination with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy was administered to the patient to prolong life and heal. The survival rate at this stage of 35 percent.
Stage 4 cancer occurs when cancer cells were expanded and infected all the various organs and systems. In addition to surgical resection and chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery to other infected parts of the body. Cancer at this time in a 3 percent risk of survival is even worse.