To confirm the stage of prostate cancer, a biopsy is performed. If the biopsy confirms cancer is the next step is to know at what stage of cancer, prostate cancer stage will help to meet the best treatment. Several tests were performed to determine if the cancer has spread, including images and blood tests. Clinical phase uses the results of ultrasound examination is a digital rectal examination or transrectal needle biopsy.
A common classification system for prostate cancer is the TNM system. That is, tumor metastasis and NM. First, the size and extent of the primary tumor is described / measured. And then there are checks to see if the cancer has spread to lymph nodes or metastases elsewhere.
T stage (T1-T4), 0-4 cancer, based on evidence of prostate cancer and situated around evaluated. For T-0, there is no evidence of primary tumor prostate. T-1 (a, b or c) shows a tumor in the prostate, identified by less than 5%, 5% higher than b and c, there is a tumor by needle biopsy. For T-2 stage tumors confined to the prostate. In exchange T2a, tumor affecting half or less than one lobe, T2b stage, the cancer affects more than half a lobe but not both chambers. For tumors that affect T2C both chambers. Limited to tumor stage T1-T2 prostate cancer, the disease is usually the cure rate of 90% or more.
T3a Tumor status shows extended beyond the prostate capsule. T3b stage, the tumor invaded the seminal vesicles. During the T4 tumors invade the surrounding area.
One of the best treatments for prostate cancer (T1 and T2 and T3 stage some cases), High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound, because the medicine is too high, but is non-surgical, non-invasive, minimal side effects. Talk to your urologist about HIFU and other forms of treatment, if you are diagnosed with prostate cancer. HIFU is especially true for young men (50-75) who do not want the risk of impotence and incontinence is usually associated with surgery for prostate cancer are appropriate. For more information, visit Hifu.ca, clinical HIFU because they are the oldest and most popular in North America and offers a wealth of information about opportunities to study and play.